Our Big Morning

Last night when Lily went to bed, the promise of a big morning with Daddy danced in her dreams. Eager to great the morning, Lily awoke to what appeared to be another typical day. The regular routine of getting dressed, combing hair, watching toons and reading a couple of books commenced. Shoes were put on, coats zipped up, hood dawned to shield away the rain. The back door unlocked and the first steps out the door, Lily was greeted by one of the bunnies there on the path. Which quickly stopped Lily in her’s. Now the promise of a big morning was starting to come true.

As mom tucked Lily into her seat, and proceeded to her car, Lily protested but a bit, yet relented as we backed out of the drive, crept down the alley to the street where a big blue truck whizzed by. All was again right in Lily’s world. To begin our big morning together I took Lily out for breakfast at McDonalds where she was ordered an Egg McMuffin and an apple juice. I thought a breakfast burrito and hash brown sounded good. I should have know that Lily would never have allowed me to be the only one with a hash brown. As we arrived at our table and took our seats she says, “Lily’s” pointing to my hash brown. Fortunate for me, the burrito was enough. We ate, and watched the people coming and going, and Lily, who took baby in with her, talked to the little old ladies that passed by the table making sure to show off Baby to them. Her and baby did well to make several new friends today.

After finishing our breakfast, some 45 minutes later, we packed up and took the long way to the library where our big morning would continue. We took the long way because the library was not yet open. Lily however didn’t seem to mind, as our extended route allowed us to see many cows and horses and even a few pigs. Lily swears they were blue and purple pigs; I thought they looked more pink, but I could be mistaken.

We eventually arrived at the Library where, true to form, Lily marched in announcing to one and all that the queen of the Library had finally arrived. We quickly made our way down stairs to the children’s department, hung up our coat, said good morning to the fish and Max the bird and proceeded to strip the shelves of their housed books. After about 40 minutes or so of exploring and playing, Mommy joined us for the special Curious George toddler program.

Here Lily heard a story about George and some puppies, and was then given a puppy puppet of her own; which she was able to color however she wanted.

Unlike most of the other children, Lily preferred to color her story book and paper more so than her puppy puppet. After cleaning up, we gathered our things, said good bye to Mom and headed off to day care, just in time to not miss lunch. We were only minutes outside of town, when I look back and there is Lily nestled into the corner of her car seat, eyes closed contently worn out from our big morning together!

[forgive the picture quality, they were taken on my cell phone]

Fastfood Sin

The other day I was struck with a revelation of sorts.  Allow me to share…

I just so happened to have an early morning drive to Huntington [for grad class], and being early, and not fully awake I easily convinced myself of the need for a McDonalds Iced Coffee [a guilty little pleasue of mine]. While waiting for my turn to order, I was further tempted in to also purchasing a couple of sausage biskets from the dollar menu.  

I placed my order, paid, procurred my purchase, and continued my journey toward Huntington, and that’s when it hit me. With my mouth full of sausage bisket, I suddenly realized the connection between my sausage bisket and sin. What I mean is, in the moment I craved the satisfaction given to me by the sausage bisket. It honestly tasted good, in that moment. And while I hadn’t yet finished, I could already begin to feel the effects of the grease, preservitives and who knows what all else begin to work adversly on my stomach and digestive system. In almost an instant, my desire for; my craving for this dollar delight was replaced with regret and remorse [for having ordered them in the first place]. 

I thought to myself, isn’t this exactly how sin works? In the moment sin appears to be appealing, delightful, fun, needed, wanted, craved. And in a moment, those feelings; those false feelings are replaced with our realization to the reality of our situation and we feel shame, guilt, regret and remorse. That is if we are not fully desensitised to our sinfulness.

Sin has a way of appearing as that thing we must have, and why not? It won’t cost us much [it’s only a dollar] we rationalize to our selves. But the reality is, sin has a high price–death according to the Bible. 

I know me well enough to know that despite this revelation, I will, some time in the future order another McDonalds sausage bisket; I hope when faced with my sins I’m able to recall this truth and turn away. Sparing myself the ill effects of giving in.  I pray you too will do the same.

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

I’m 32 years old, have been married 9 years, been on a few dates in my life time, and only now have I learned the secret to a woman’s heart.  Allow me to explain.

While traveling back from a family Christmas gathering in Ohio, we had stopped off at McDonalds for dinner and couldn’t help but overhear a teenage couple engaged in the tail end of an argument that, as we learned, had been going on since earlier in the day.  Did I mention the girl also happened to be working there at McDonalds; oh well, it doesn’t matter.  Did I also mention that a portion of their fight revolved around their 4 month old daughter?  Anyway, moving on to the secret to a woman’s heart…

In the midst of their personal tiff, which by this time was almost too enticing not to stare at and watch; the guy, in a move of sheer desperation comes back at the girl with, “…but I bought you a pack of Slim Jim’s at Wal-Mart!”

That’s it!!!  The Holy Grail has at last been found.  Gentlemen, if you ever find yourself in the “doghouse” with your wife, fiancé, or girlfriend, simply buy her a package of Slim Jims and presto, problem solved.

Guys, you can think me later, right now you may want to rush to Wal-Mart and stock up, Valentines is only a couple of months away.